
Tuesday, 15 June 2021

Saving our stream

Saving our Creek and How


Dirty Stream - Matthew Starr - Sound Rivers

Glen innes stream’s are very dirty and stinky so what we can do to keep our environment clean is we have to stop littering and if we don’t most fish and creature’s will be possible die from all the pollution humanity gives when we. 

litter so if you love eating fish and chips we need to stop our pollution and pick up rubbish if you see any then pollution. will come to an end and we will have more fish and chips also creatures like bugs will stop dying and if fish start dying

mankind will not have any more fish so stop littering The end.

By Polini


Thursday, 22 October 2020

Niuean Language Week

This week is Niuean language and week are learing how they wear things and speak things we made slide's and we are having a celebrations in the school hall.